Importing from Scrivener
From the Granthika G menu select IMPORT -> Scrivener Project
Browse to Select your Scrivener Project
Scrivener usually stores your projects in your computer's Documents folder. Locate your Scrivener project and select the MyProject.scriv folder where "MyProject" is your actual project's title.
Click on the IMPORT button to begin the import process.
Once Granthika finishes the import process, it will display an alert in the Notification Center.
If you have created Characters in Scrivener under the Characters folder, Granthika will import them into its Characters Manager, and any free-form details or info from the character sketch template file will be transferred to Granthika's Character Description field.
SImilarly, if you have a Places folder, any item under it will be imported as a location in the Granthika Locations Manager.
(see the standard Scrivener Fiction template below as a sample of the project structure Granthika works best in for its import process)
Granthika imports a two-level discourse structure as Chapters and Scenes, and a three- or more level structure as Chapters, Sections and Scenes.
Last updated