Board View
All discourse elements (i.e. parts, chapters, scenes and sections) created in the TOC panel will appear in the Board view as information cards containing: the element title, the Point of View character(s), the element's description, the depicted events, assigned labels, the number of notes, and the number of sub-elements it contains.
Expanding/Collapsing the Cards
Clicking on the double-arrow icon next to the title collapses, or expands the card.
Grid and Column Layouts
You can toggle between the two different layouts using the grid and column icons
The grid view displays discourse elements as cards arranged sequentially in a grid:
To see the elements within a particular part/chapter or scene, you need to click on the sub-element icon.
To return up a level, click on that level's title in the breadcrumb trail in the toolbar.
The column layout shows discourse elements with their sub-elements listed under each information card. You can scroll to see 3 elements at a time, and you must click on the large arrows to scroll to see the next/previous 3.
Editing Discourse Elements
You can edit the discourse element title and description within the board view itself by double-clicking the title or description fields respectively.
You can edit other card contents by clicking on the edit icon. This will send you to the Details panel for the selected discourse element in the Editor.
Changing the order of discourse elements can currently be done only in the TOC panel by simple drag-and-drop.
Last updated