Common Properties and Commands
Existents and events have certain properties you can attach to each instance of these types.
A name, such as “Sherlock Holmes” or “Sherlock’s Office.”
Multiple aliases, such as “Sherlock,” “Holmes,” etc. Aliases allow you to refer to the same existent or event in different ways through the text.
Multiple labels, which you can use to attach arbitrary information to each existent or event. For example, you could add the label “Moriarty’s team” to a number of characters, and then later search for this label to see all characters who belong to Moriarty‘s gang.
In the description field, you can add an appropriate description for any existent or event.
You can add any number of notes to any existent or event.
Use the Add icon on the top of the list existent or event list to add a new one.
Use the Delete icon at the top right to delete an existent or event.
The menu icon next to the Add button will present possible configurations for the event or existent list.
Manager List Hamburger Menu
The hamburger menu for the lists of characters, locations, objects, and events allow you to choose various sort orders for these lists:
Sort by alphabetical order (ascending or descending).
Sort by the order in which the first mentions of these elements appear in the manuscript (ascending or descending).
Sort by the frequency withwhich these connections appear (ascending or descending).
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