Global Search
Click on the global search field on the top right of Granthika window to enter a search term. The global search field is always visible. Press the Enter key to search.
Searching for a term within quotation marks (such as “Holmes”
) in the global search field will find all instances of that term–in any of the names of your story elements, in your manuscript as text, and places where there are mentions of story elements with the search terms in their names (such as the event named Holmes and Watson Call at Mrs. Merrilow’s
If you click on any of these found instances, you will be taken to the appropriate manager or place in the manuscript where the search term appears.
You can also enter a phrase like “agonized letters”
, and the search system will find this phrase. If there are no results for a specified phrase, such as “no fear”
, the system will search for individual words within the phrase, like “fear.”
Apart from simple textual search terms like "Sherlock"
you can enter more complex queries that search across the manuscript text and your story elements:
characters containing "Ronder"
will find any characters who have the text string “Ronder” in their names, such as Mr. Ronder and Mrs. Ronder. Note the quotation marks around “Ronder”–these let the system know that you are searching for just that text, and not a story element with that name. Similarly,scenes containing "pipe"
will find any scenes that contain the text string “pipe” in their text;location containing "office"
will find any locations containing the text string “office.”events with participant Sherlock Holmes
will find all events in which the character Sherlock Holmes is a participant. Similarly,characters mentioned Chapter 1
will find all characters mentioned in Chapter have location office
will find all events that occur in any location with “office” in its name.Abbas Parva Tragedy participants
will find all the characters who are participants in the event “Abbas Parva Tragedy.” Note that the system infers that you are asking for the participants for the event “Abbas Parva Tragedy.” Similarly,Allahabad locate
will find all events that have “Allahabad” for a location.Sherlock participates
will find all events that have the character Sherlock Holmes as a participant.depicting Dr. Watson Meets Mrs. Merrilow
will find all discourse elements that depict this event. Note that the system infers that you are asking for all the discourse elements which depict this event.have location office
will find all the events that have “Sherlock’s Office” as a location. Note that the system infers that you are asking for all the events that have “office” as a location.mentions Holmes
will find all the discourse elements that mention the character Sherlock Holmes. Note that the system infers that you are asking for all the discourse elements that include this mention.mentioned by Chapter 1
will find all the existents and events that are mentioned in Chapter 1.contain "pipe"
will find all the discourse elements that contain “pipe” within their text. Note that the system infers that you are asking for all the discourse elements that contain the string “pipe” within their text.Holmes
will find all the story elements that have this string within their names, such as “Sherlock Holmes” and “Holmes in Practice.”manuscript contains "Sherlock Holmes"
will find all the instances of the stringSherlock Holmes
within the manuscript, and will display these results in a simple list.discourse contains "Sherlock Holmes"
will display matches forSherlock Holmes
by discourse element. That is, each result will be displayed under the discourse element it is contained by.
As you can see above, Granthika’s global search supports not only simple text search, but also “semantic search”–that is, the search engine parses your complex search term and attempts to understand what you are asking for. If it is unable to parse your search term, the search engine will fall back to a simple text search.
If you are interested in understanding the mechanics of Granthika’s semantic search, please read on to the next section, Query Language.
Last updated